
How to get to DIE

DIE is located at ETSIT (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación). Next, you can find some ways of getting here using several transportation means.

By Metro

The nearest underground station is Ciudad Universitaria. From here, there is a 10-15 minutes walk to ETSIT. You can also take a bus, as explained below.

By bus

Moncloa, Cuatro Caminos and Ciudad Universitaria are the main points from which you can reach ETSIT by bus. These places are also important underground stations.

From Ciudad Universitaria

  • Lines G and U: The bus stop is located in Avda. Complutense, just in the way out from the Metro station.
  • Line 82: It uses the same bus stop.

From Moncloa

  • Line 82: There are two bus stops. One of them is located at Meléndez Valdés street, and the other just facing the main Moncloa underground entrance.

From Cuatro Caminos

  • Line F: The bus stop is located almost in the middle of this curious square (crossroads with one elevated road)

All these lines have a stop just at ETSIT. Ask the driver for the "Teleco" stop.

By taxi

If you take a taxi, don't tell the driver that you go to "the University", since there are several Universities in Madrid with all the schools and departments "conveniently" disseminated throughout the city. You should indicate that ETSIT ("Escuela de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion" or "Escuela de Teleco", in Spanish) is located at the end of "El Paraninfo" at Ciudad Universitaria, facing the sport fields, a couple of blocks beyond the "ugly" building of "Biologicas". This should be enough.

Some maps are available and may be really useful to you. Madrid Railway Network

Arrival at Madrid

The Madrid International Airport (Madrid-Barajas) is located about 12 Km. from Madrid downtown. City Centre - Airport Connection(Madrid-Barajas) from T1, T2, T3 or T4.

Route from Aeropuerto to Metropolitano

(5 station, 1 line change)

  • From Aeropuerto to Nuevos Ministerios on line 8
  • Line change in Nuevos Ministerios
  • From Nuevos Ministerios to Metropolitano on line 6

Estimated time from the Terminal International (T1) to the exit: 26 minutes.

Route from Aeropuerto to Ciudad Universitaria

(6 station, 1 line change)

  • From Aeropuerto to Nuevos Ministerios on line 8
  • Line change in Nuevos Ministerios
  • From Nuevos Ministerios to Ciudad Universitaria on line 6

Estimated time from the Terminal International (T1) to the exit: 28 minutes.

A taxi from the airport to almost any place in Madrid downtown will cost about 20-25 €.


Comunity of Madrid Transports Information System

Madrid has an extensive underground system, the Metro, linking all zones of the city. The single ride is 1,00 € (on sale at the ticket offices or vending machines). A ten-ride ticket is only 6,40 € (Valid for metro and bus. On sale at the ticket offices and vending machines in the Metro stations, at the E.M.T. (Municipal Transportation Company) booths and at tobacconists and kiosks throughout the city of Madrid). Ask for a free copy of the network map, depicting the color-coded lines and stations.

The coverage by bus lines is even more extensive, reaching the suburbs of the city. The prices are the same as those for the Metro: 1,00 € single ticket and 6,40 € ten-ride ticket (for Bus and Metro). The former can be bought at the bus (notes are not usually accepted), while the latter is available at special EMT (Local Transportation Company) stands located at the main intersections in Madrid (i.e., Moncloa) and also at tobacco shops and some newspaper stands.

If you take a taxi, you should know that the initial fare is 1,85 € (monday to friday - 2,90 €, sundays and public holidays). The final price must be the one that is clearly displayed in the taximeter. Just consider some extra charges at night, if you carry some luggage or you took the taxi at any airport terminal or train station. Remember that you are always entitled to ask for a receipt.

Última actualización: $LastChangedDate: 2011-11-28 18:50:17 +0100 (Mon, 28 Nov 2011) $
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